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It’s National Positive Thinking Day!

They have a day for everything, don’t they?

We particularly like this one because positivity has been proven to be beneficial in one’s life. Negativity promotes stress while positivity translates into greater potential for happiness.

But when barriers become insurmountable, happiness seems unattainable. This is especially true when studying and learning since the ability to get a great education can determine whether a child will be successful or is doomed to a life of struggle. The more one struggles, the more difficult it is to keep up morale and then negativity creeps in.

The solution? Recover your student’s learning potential by reviewing every little step from the beginning. It may require time and effort, but by reviewing each small step, you’re bound to find what was missed and have the opportunity to show them the light at the end of the tunnel and eventually revitalize their love of learning.

How to Teach Anyone to Read is a manual that provides each baby-step which empowers you to help students who just can’t seem to overcome their trouble spots.

You CAN help your student read better and they CAN be helped!