First Step Phonics Wages War on Illiteracy
GARDNERVILLE, Nev., Oct. 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- In a revolutionary assault on illiteracy, Veronica Blade, founder of First Step Phonics launches powerful new products proven effective against the illiteracy epidemic. Injecting common sense material and real results into a society ill with poverty and criminality, First Step Phonics fires the first salvo in the form of one-of-a-kind and easy-to-use, books and workbooks written with result-driven efficacy.
The connection between illiteracy and repeat criminal behavior was identified in a 1993 U.S. Department of Justice report which named the lack of phonics being taught in schools as THE source of illiteracy, yet the majority of schools today don't utilize phonics.
The Department of Justice states, "The link between academic failure and delinquency, violence and crime is welded to reading failure. Over 70% of inmates in America's prisons cannot read above a fourth-grade level."
Phonics has been the preferred method to teach reading since the 17th century, however, since the advent of the 'whole word' approach introduced in the 1980's, which omits crucial steps, literacy has been on the decline in the U.S. with criminality on the upswing.
Thirty-nine percent of educators surveyed claim a connection between struggling students and reading materials being too difficult. A new, fundamental approach from First Step Phonics provides the solution for frustrated would-be readers and teachers.
Forty-eight percent of educators surveyed said their biggest barrier to teaching new readers is holding their interest. With First Step Phonics' full-color illustrations and engaging stories, the new reader is inspired to keep learning.
Teach a child to memorize twenty-six words and that child will be able to read only twenty-six words. Teach a child twenty-six letter sounds and they can sound out hundreds of words.
"When a child can read a book, the impact on their lives is immense," says Veronica Blade, creator of First Step Phonics. "Once they can read, their whole world opens up. They can study other subjects, earn a higher income — the sky's the limit."
Students who are thriving in school get excited about learning. They don't lose interest, drop out of school or turn to crime.
First Step Phonics supplies the vital steps which address the source of new reader's lack of interest and other learning road blocks.
"I began my adult life teaching phonics and, later, wrote novels," says Blade. "I've combined my story-writing skills with my knowledge of phonics to develop essential materials my own students never had but desperately needed."
First Step Phonics has these additional unique qualities that are lacking in other reading programs:
22 workbooks provide ample practice
All 95+ early-reader books present each new step in bite-size pieces
Stories are limited to one or two sentences per page
In most cases, only one new sound is introduced at a time
Advanced words are never used, which gives students the opportunity to absorb each step before moving to the next
First Step Phonics also provides a teaching manual, as well as freebies, such as read-along videos, downloadable worksheets and activities, how-to videos, and other resources.
With homeschooling on the rise, First Step Phonics products are needed now more than ever.
For more information, go to You can also email First Step Phonics at

Statistical links:
U.S. Department of Justice 1993 study
Declining enrollment in public schools
Census Bureau homeschool statistics
For More Information
Contact: Veronica Blade, Founder
First Step Phonics
P.O. Box 6088,
Gardnerville, NV 89460
(888) 992-READ